Anna Stover Consulting

I work to build competence in ‘how to’. I specifically support and teach business owners, leaders and managers how to establish and run sustainable and effective people systems that work for them and their teams. My flagship program “Synchronising Teams” works to build individual and team Clarity, Structure and Culture as a way of achieving results. Said another way, I work in Strategy Execution, I build the capacity of organisations to deliver strategy at the tactical level. I utilize the skills I have developed over 25 years as an Educational Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Continuous Improvement Manager and Introduction Leader with Landmark Education. I am known for my insight, analytical planning and objective thinking as well as my strong people skills, specifically in organisational teaching and communicating. I also lead Women of Wisdom Programs for women over 40 who are seeking to to understand the various life phases and the impact each of these has on their work, careers and relationships.